Introducing Xavier!
/It is with great pleasure that I introduce our son, Xavier, now 3 months of age and full of bounce!
Not surprising, given that it was a big pink bounce ball that got me through labour and travelled in the back of @victorianathanson's car on route to the hospital, with me on all fours, draped over it, huffing and puffing away!
Huge thanks to the team @stgeorgeshospitalcharity and @homebirth_stgeorges who looked after us so well! with special thanks to Gloria and Marta and their Rainbow Team!
This is very much a quick little 'early days' sketch, a flash in the grand scheme of things, but a nod to the ever evolving expressions each day and week brings. I am dazed and enamoured, full of wonder at this little Mr, so small yet so all encompassing.❤️