The following instructions will hopefully help guide you through the process of getting the best pictures of your subject for me to work from. I am always on hand to help further advise.

Image Resolution

I need a good, high resolution, close up image to work from (min 1MB / 1000KB, ideally more).

If using your phone to take the pictures, please make sure to check your camera settings are set to best quality.

Common issues to avoid

  • Images that are too pixelated when you zoom in

  • Images where the subject is too far away

When sending pictures, ensure they are not compressed and sent at their highest quality.

If the file size is too big I recommend using a free online platform called WeTransfer, where you can send up to 2 GB in one go.


It is best to use natural daylight to photograph your subject in (i.e. no flash or artificial lights).

Ideally the picture should be taken outside, with the sun behind the photographer and the subject lit face on from the front (i.e. not above or from the side).

If indoors then the light source should be from a window with exactly the same set up. Make sure all other lights are switched off.

The aim is for the light source to really bring to life the natural colours of the subject’s eyes and hair.

Common issues to avoid

  • Images which are taken using Flash or indoor room lighting

  • Images where the subject is lit from behind, above, or too much from one side

Angle & Pose

Look for a pose that best captures the character of your subject. It doesn’t have to be a full body shot if you are only after a head and shoulder portrait . Think about the different angles, looking from above, below, the same level – which shows the expression and personality of the subject best?

Common issues to avoid

  • Images which crop the subject too much.

Final points

MULTIPLES: If the commission is for more than one subject it would be great to get photographs of them both separately and together to give me a few options to play with.

SENDING IMAGES: All images should be emailed to me in an uncompressed format.